Turnstile – BLACKOUT Lyrics: A Raw and Honest Reflection of Society

By David Presley
Turnstile – BLACKOUT Lyrics: A Raw and Honest Reflection of Society


The song “BLACKOUT” by Turnstile explores the concept of feeling lost and disconnected in the midst of a seemingly bright and vibrant world. The lyrics “Blackout in the middle of the light” suggest a sudden interruption of the normal flow of life, leaving the singer feeling disoriented and out of place. The feeling of being lost is further emphasized in the line “And now I’m back down with a feeling and I collide.”

Despite this feeling of disconnection, the singer acknowledges that the end is near, suggesting a certain acceptance of the transience of life. The line “You know it won’t be long until the end” is a reminder that nothing lasts forever and that we should make the most of our time while we can.

The singer also recognizes the power of the spotlight and the impact it can have on others. The line “Let the spotlight shine on me again” suggests a desire to connect with others and be seen, even in the midst of personal struggles. The repetition of the phrase “It’s just the part of my show” reinforces the idea that life can sometimes feel like a performance, and that we all have our moments of vulnerability.

“BLACKOUT” is a song that explores the complex emotions of feeling lost and disconnected in a world that often values surface appearances over deeper connections. It is a reminder that despite our struggles, we all have the power to impact others and bring joy to their lives, even in the darkest of moments.

Watch: Turnstile – BLACKOUT

Listen now: Turnstile – BLACKOUT

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