Nvrcallme Interview

Intro: Great to have you on Xttrawave. Please, introduce yourself. (artist/band name-any special meaning to it and where you’re from)
INTRO : Hello, my name is Nvrcallme and im an anonymous Hyperpop Artist. The name Nvrcallme kind of stemed from a name i used on a fighting game i used to play called Brawhalla, i used to go by the name Nevermore on there.
1.) What got you into music and made you realize that it was your chosen path?
ANSWER 1 : I’ve always wanted to do music just never really decided to try it out till june of this year.
2.)Tell us about your new music (Song/EP/Mixtape/Album)? And what’s the story behind it?
ANSWER 2 : Answer: Honestly i kind of stumbled upon the whole Hyperpop scene back in i want to say may and found it a bit weird from what i normally was used to. but it grew on me so i eventually decided why not give it a try and not care about what people think ya know ? so i kind scrolled on youtube and found someone that made the type of beats that fit the hyperpop style i guess and just kind of went from there and hit record and let it just flow on its own.
3.) What makes your music unique? How would you describe it? (genres/sub-genres)
ANSWER 3 : I would say its within the hyperpop-ish style that you’d find in alot of other artist but i would say my writing style is what breaks me apart from all the rest i focus on word play and story telling in my songs and just let my heart and experiences speak for themselves. it has its own Indie Anime infused hyperpop style like Anrfactory once put it.
4.) Who are your biggest music influences? And any particular artist/band you would like to collaborate with in the future?
ANSWER 6 : Thats actually a good question because my main inspiration for music as a whole is an artist named Blackbear which I’m sure alot of you know but he isn’t in the hyperpop scene at all but i would say that would be a dream collab of mine and definitely an inspiration.
5.) Which is the best moment in your musical career that you’re most proud of? (awards, projects or public performances etc)
ANSWER 7 : I would have to say this project “Adderall & Heartaches” and a more recent one i did Titled “Switchblades and Mistakes” these two small 5 song ep projects didnt even start out as oh im going to make an album. That was never my thought i was just releasing music every other three days on soundcloud without much thought to any promotion or anything like that was kind of just releasing but i can say its really become one of my favorites of mine.
6.) How do you balance your music with other obligations – family, friends or work?
ANSWER 8 : Alot of my family doesnt even know i make music. let alone Hyperpop. I try and keep this hidden thing i love close to me myself and I. I will say its actually pretty great the fact that i haven’t run into any blockades or obstacles JUST yet but eventually i know they will come.
7.) What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
ANSWER 9 : i would say stop hesitating whether what you’re putting out is bad or good. you’re only gonna learn from failure not hesitation so keep trying and only YOU can limit yourself. Doesn’t matter how old you are or how “New”, you can honestly just do anything you want as long as you’re not a danger to yourself or others you’re fine. put that song out that you’ve been mixing for 2 months THE MIX IS GOOD. kind of reminds me of two close friends of mine J-tre and Jaysuno. they always swear what they make is bad until they finally realize alot of people actually like it.
8.) If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?
ANSWER 10 : Maybe tell them that i love each and every single one of them . Like they seriously don’t understand how thankful i am for all of them. i never really cared and kind of still don’t care about Stream numbers or anything like that but to see my songs rise and hit these milestones…. its just unreal to me i couldn’t be more grateful for the Outsiders <3 they know who they are and they know we are all family. I’ve built a community and that community became my home.
9.) What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects?
ANSWER 11 : What’s next for me ? looking ahead i would have to say i see myself collaborating alot more and hopefully getting a music video done sometime soon within this year or the next. and super excited about my full length Debut Album Titled “Blood Lake”. I’m hoping to get alot of features on it and just work hard and closely on it so i can give back to my fans and supporters something. This is going to be one of my best and i can honestly say i see myself growing and rising to places i never thought i could reach. I just want to shout out a select few Like Jaysuno, J-tre, 7sins and Ghosti/Killghosti for being there and supporting me i have such great friends.
Will you ever reveal your identity?
I guess we will just have to wait and see.