Must-Know Tips for Indie Musicians to Make a Difference in the Industry in 2024

By David Presley
Must-Know Tips for Indie Musicians to Make a Difference in the Industry in 2024

Must-Know Tips for Indie Musicians to Make a Difference in the Industry in 2024

Being a musician is hard enough, and as an Indie musician, you struggle to work your way to the top. As you make plans for the new year, it’s time to figure out the things you can do to increase your earnings and make a steady impact in the industry. We’ve put together some helpful tips to guide you along the way.

Check out these must-know tips for Indie musicians to impact the industry and make money in 2024.

1. Improve Video Content

Indie artists make individual videos and music, collaborating with others to bring the details together. A great way to take your video content to the next level is to find great music for videos that stand out in the industry. You can create your music or use pieces that are already strung together and templated for you to put to use.

There are some great sites out there with tons of great music and sounds available, and that’s a good place to start as you work on your video content.

2. Build Your Network

A great way to make an impact in the industry is to network with others. You want to network with people that can help you and people that are like-minded. Look for ways to get involved with others in the Indie music network and start collaborating and learning from each other.

Get out there and get involved with others in the music industry. You might find some great resources from attending conferences, affiliating with bloggers or radio station hosts, and connecting with other Indie labels. If there is any opportunity related to the music industry, you should be involved to help boost your career and make a difference.

When you start making yourself known, you establish a name for yourself. You may not reap the benefits right away, but people will begin recognizing you.

3. Create and then Create Some More

You should be creating content often, even if you don’t have anything new to roll out yet. Creating regular content simply keeps you fresh and moving towards new ideas and content. You don’t have to create a brand new song or new music every day or week, but you should be focusing on creating and coming up with new ideas regularly. We know your mind is always fresh with ideas and thoughts on your next creation, so keep making music. The best results come from those who are continuously putting music and ideas together. At some point, the consistency with creation will pay off.

You don’t have to be a musician that creates 100+ new titles in a single year. Even if you only make 10-15 new songs, you are still creating. You also will not make public everything you create, but don’t let that stop you from making and writing songs as much as you possibly can. It’s great practice.

4. Establish a Social Media Presence

Social media is a valuable tool for Indie musicians and one of the most underused tools out there. It’s time to make social media work for you. Whether you get on the hottest things like TikTok and Instagram or you just create a YouTube channel, you need to be out there. Do you know how many artists are becoming famous or going viral because they share their music on one of these platforms?

Social media is the easiest way to reach a big audience quickly. Plus, you can build up a following and monetize on various channels. This is a great way to earn some income with your music and continue to impact the industry as well.

5. Share Your Music Everywhere

Finally, as an Indie musician, you need to work hard to get your music out there. Send your music to everyone, and keep sending it out. We’re talking radio stations, blogs, podcasts, influencers, and everything you can think of. Will they all play or share your music? No. However, it still gets you out there and gets your music in front of so many more people.

You should spread your music far and wide. Get it listed on platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and more. Social media comes into play here as well. You can share anything from your personal creations to singing covers. As you are sharing, make sure you cover yourself with copyright and the Performing Rights Organization to keep yourself safe.

You have tons of great advantages as an Indie musician, and 2024 is going to be your year! With technology and simple software, you can create and spread your music easier than ever before. Be consistent, be persistent, and just get your music out there.