How to Write Your Own Songs on the Guitar

By David Presley
How to Write Your Own Songs on the Guitar

Image by Aliko Sunawang from Pixabay

Writing your own songs can be one of the most satisfying things in the world. 

Learning how to write your own song on the guitar can benefit you by relaxing your body and mind to maybe even get famous with your songs. It may be challenging at first, but as you practice, you get better.

With the help of this article, you’ll be able to improve your guitar writing skills by utilizing some pieces of advice to make your own unique piece.

The guitar is fantastic for structuring and creating songs, so sit on your guitar chair and start making music.

You Need to Learn More About Music Theory

If you have already learned music theory, skip this part of the article. But, if you need more confidence, start with understanding scales and chords. Those are essential fundamentals of your upcoming song. Next, you can expand on intervals and melody. 

The list can continue forever since music theory is a lot to learn and master. But if you’re a beginner or want to brush up on your skills, learn the fundamentals and carry with your songwriting as you learn more theory. 

You can learn music theory from youtube, online courses, local teachers, or music blogs that focus on music.

Chose Scale and Come Up With a Chord Progression

Once you’ve got some understanding of how the instrument works, it’s time to start writing. 

Start by picking a scale representing the mood you intend to add to the song. After choosing the scale, select a few chords you like, or that sound good together. 

And now it’s your time to experiment and see what works for you. 

Once you settle on several chords that suit the emotional feel you want for the song, use them as the foundation.

Chord progressions should build tension throughout each verse and chorus until they are resolved in some way toward the end of each section. It creates motion which is critical when writing compelling music.

Learn to Add Riffs

Riffs are usually short musical phrases of two or more notes played quickly. They often involve chords but don’t necessarily have to be chord-based.

Riffs are an essential part of creating music with the guitar. They provide a catchy and exciting sound to your songs and help break up monotonous sections. Additionally, riffs can create tension and excitement in your song’s sections. And they can also be used as transitions.

Writing your riffs is one of the best ways to make your guitar parts stand out from other musicians. 

By incorporating riffs into your practice routine, you can develop the skills to write original and memorable guitar parts.

Find Someone Who Can Help You With Your Music if You Are Stuck

If you are stuck, try finding someone who can help. A friend is an excellent option if they are willing to listen to your songs and give feedback. If this isn’t possible, look for a music teacher or someone else with experience in songwriting.


With dedication, practice, and guidance, making your next song on the guitar is easy.

Knowledge of music theory will help you understand the rules of writing music, giving you a solid toolset for exploring chords, scales, and riffs. 

Finding someone that can advise you on best practice methods and feedback from them is also very beneficial, so don’t be afraid to reach out. 

Have fun, structure your ideas, and let your creative juices flow. You might surprise yourself with what your imagination can create.