How to Spot & Nurture Your Gifted Child

By David Presley
How to Spot & Nurture Your Gifted Child

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In most cases, children are classified as gifted if they have an IQ score of 130 or above. It is important to note that giftedness in children is not only linked to excellence in academic areas. Some display high levels of creativity, musical or artistic abilities. When you have a gifted child, you need to help them develop their talents and also cope with any challenges that they may face because of their giftedness. You could also opt to enroll them in a specialized school or program for gifted children to allow them to advance themselves further.

But first, you need to know how to spot a gifted child. For starters, gifted children tend to be very diverse in their characteristics. That notwithstanding, there are common characteristics that most gifted individual’s exhibit.

How to spot gifted children

They are often curious

Gifted kids tend to express curiosity about the world around them. They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They display this by asking a lot of detailed questions about everything. Their interest extends beyond their scope of learning. In classroom settings, the children do not find the simple explanations for things to be enough for them. They always want more.

They have a unique approach to assignments.

While most of their peers are usually keen on finishing their assignments and following their teachers’ instructions, gifted kids tend to carve their way of doing things. They may go off tangent when dealing with an essay question or even find their unique methods to solve math problems correctly. In such cases, teachers need to be tolerant and avoid punishing the students for failing to stick to the rules.

They prefer adult conversations

The first thing that most people notice about gifted children is their extensive vocabulary. Most of them often use words that may be deemed advanced for their age. They also use abstract and figurative language more than their peers. Their reading habits could be a contributing factor due to the exposure to more advanced texts. Gifted children also find it easier to remember words. They don’t need lots of repetition for new words to stick. Their advanced language skills make it a lot easier for them to communicate with adults. While they may gravitate to adult conversations, it is still necessary to encourage them to engage their peers so that they do not become isolated.

They are original thinkers

Some gifted children tend to have wild imaginations. They are usually capable of abstract reasoning and use their creativity to form sophisticated stories. Their creative works tend to have complex language and an impressive appreciation for humour.

How to nurture a gifted child

So, you’ve noticed that your child seems to be more advanced and grasps concepts way quicker than other kids their age. As their caregiver, you want to provide them with all the possible opportunities to nurture their potential. Here are some ways to empower your gifted child:

Feed their unquenchable thirst for knowledge

It is a good practice for parents of gifted children to provide them with magazines and books on various topics. You can also identify family-friendly websites that your kid can explore and learn from them. Show them that learning is not limited to the confines of a classroom. When you have the time, read to them to nurture their language development. The attention you give your child when reading to them will encourage them to have a positive relationship with reading that will last them the entirety of their lives.

Enroll them in programs

It can be challenging to stimulate a gifted child from home. They always desire unending intellectual stimulation. You can nurture this by sending them to schools or programs that are specifically designed for gifted children. For example, you can enroll them in music and performance classes to nurture their talents. It will help a child gifted in music to fine-tune aspects like vocals under the guidance of professionals. The key is to find a program that suits your child’s talents better.

Encourage their questioning

Many gifted children tend to be curious and, in turn, ask lots of questions. Frankly, that curiosity can be exhausting at times. Try to create a home library with the materials that they may need. You can have a dictionary, thesaurus, book of world records, and world maps. These reference books will help your kids find answers to their burning questions. You could also link them to experts in fields that seem to be more appealing to them.

Kill the need to compare

It is natural for people to want to make comparisons. As a parent or guardian to a gifted child, you need to squash the urge to compare the kids with other children or siblings. Most gifted children are aware of their advanced abilities. You need to empower and nurture their talents. However, try to discourage the thought that they are better than others and avoid putting them on a pedestal. Comparison can make other children feel less than or make your gifted child feel superior and therefore expect special treatment from everyone.

Understand that they may not always be gifted

It is common to think that a gifted child equals gifted teenagers equals intelligent adults. But that is not always the case. Possibly, your gifted child could be having an intellectual growth spurt. It means that they may not necessarily show prowess and excellence throughout their lives. Try to avoid putting pressure on a kid that once showed signs of being gifted but is no longer consistent with their impeccable performance. Try to make them understand that it is okay when they are not the best at what they do. This understanding will save them a lot of esteem issues when they meet problems that may seem a little difficult for them when they are so used to grasping concepts quickly.

Final Remarks

When you are a parent to a gifted child, you always want to nurture your child to reach their utmost potential. It is normal to want to keep them stimulated. However, try to balance being a nurturing parent while avoiding being too pushy. Pushing your child too much could lead to them being averse to learning or make them develop rebellious behavior.