Tripindickulous delves on his creative tastes, being inspired by Michael Jackson & debut single “Insecure”

By David Presley
Tripindickulous delves on his creative tastes, being inspired by Michael Jackson & debut single “Insecure”


Great to have you on Xttrawave. Please, introduce yourself.

My name is Tripindickulous, which stands for “Trippy and Ridiculous Art and Action”. Born in Hollywood raised in LA and OC.

What got you into music and made you realize that it was your chosen path?

I was always on stage young as a tap dancer, and I was always hearing all sorts of music growing up that most kids wouldn’t hear. I had a strong love for music from very young. I was in the band from 7th to 9th grade lol. I played flute, and percussion. My dad was a rapper and he wrote my first 2 verses when I was 9 and we recorded a song in Las Vegas. But I never wanted to be a rapper. I never wanted to pursue music as an artist until I was 17. That’s when I started my rap journey lol. After 14 years Hip Hop changed and I didn’t want to pursue it really. So I switched genres, I always played around with Alternative music but never took it serious. As soon as I did my whole life changed just from my very first record as Tripindickulous.


Tell us about your new music? And what’s the story behind it?

As Tripindickulous my first ever release as an Alternative artist is my new record “Insecure”.

The song is about the feeling of being imperfect whenever it comes to loving someone and at times ourself/myself. But still expressing the joy from knowing that and fighting for a change of positivity. Even tho life’s different and maybe lonely now. And we all struggle with Insecurity even me and even now lol. But self improvement is always a never ending process. The song is meant to bring joy, unify all, and to help influence people to be themselves, and to express it freely.

What makes your music unique? How would you describe it?

The thing that makes my music unique I’d say is that it comes from an older stand point of life experience in a young mans world. Most of the youth set the tone for what’s going on but haven’t lived enough life yet to talk about certain things. I have so much life experience, pain, and knowledge of life at 32 that you can hear the pain, and still feel good listening, and you can dance. If had to describe it I’d say it’s definitely Alternative. And listening to it is like putting on a VR headset on, once you press play, your in a whole other world.


Who are your biggest musical influences? And any particular artist/band you would like to collaborate with in the future?

Hands down my biggest musical influence is Michael Jackson. The way he sang the passion behind his voice and moves, and the endless creativity. Before I wanted to do music I just wanted to be like Michael Jackson lol like so many of us growing up. If I had one artist I could work with right now or in the future it would be Toro y Moi. His music is so fun and creative and his voice always brings everything to life. I think if we worked together we’d make some more than crazy dope music I’m sure.

Which is the best moment in your musical career that you’re most proud of?

The biggest moment for me was a show I did as a rapper still at this time, in Long Beach back in June 2010. It was a 33 contestant competition for 1000 dollars, 2 tickets to Hawaii, and a sit down with Interscope. My grandmother who raised came to see my play, she was in a wheel chair being accompanied by her friend and was 71 at the time at a rap venue lol. She had came to see me do what I love and follow my dream. I won the competition and she saw that first hand. I cried after dedicated my performance to her on stage and we shared that moment together. It’s easily for me the biggest accomplishment of my career thus far, and that I’m most proud of. “R.I.P Aza Valrie, love you forever and ever.” She made me who I am today.


How do you balance your music with other obligations – family, friends or work?
Well the balancing act of life is never easy for anyone. But the way I get it done is by organizing but then not thinking about it. The less I stress on it all the easier it is. Makes it seem like there’s almost nothing to balance and it’s been working very well for me.

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?

To all aspiring musicians I’d say organize and prioritize then just do it. Don’t talk about it get it done.


If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?

Words for all my fans would be, never give up on your dreams no matter, no matter what anyone says, no matter what happens in your life good or bad. Keep going keep aspiring to attain whatever goal it is that you have.

What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects?
Next thing up for me is the release of my music video for my single “Insecure”. I already have a follow up single going to drop soon with a video as-well called “NFT Hollywood Walk Of Fame”.

The NFT part stands for (Not From This). It’ll be out in September of this year. Other than that slowly working on a 50 track album called “Kamehameha Energy” lol. Aiming to get headlines and break records with that one. Still continuing my new journey as Tripindickulous


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