Making Music: 5 Skills You Need to Be a Songwriter

By David Presley
Making Music: 5 Skills You Need to Be a Songwriter

Making it in the music business requires a lot of hard work, patience, and skill. One important aspect of the industry is songwriting. Not every singer or band writes their own songs, so whether you have a knack for catchy tunes or just want to learn a little bit about the art of songwriting, we’re here to discuss the top five skills you need to become a successful songwriter.

Inspiration and Creativity

The first one may be the hardest skill to develop. Creativity is crucial in creating high-quality songs that will resonate with listeners—and make money. Writing a song is like writing poetry. There’s a rhythm to the music and the structure of your lyrics should reflect that, but it’s also a story. When inspiration strikes, be sure to write your thoughts down with pen and paper. This way you can keep the creative juices flowing or save them for later when you have more time in your studio.


While playing an instrument isn’t necessary to be a successful songwriter, you do need a strong understanding of music. Theory, song structure, the purpose of each instrument, and how to best utilize the music that accompanies your lyrics are all important components that need to be considered when you’re writing a song. For some, this comes naturally. Whether you’re a natural or not, online music production classes may be helpful tools to hone their skills. You need an understanding and appreciation for all the work that goes into composing the notes that breathe life into your words.


Knowing how to work with others, especially as a songwriter, is incredibly important. If you’re working with a solo artist or band, you should be able to integrate some of their ideas to help the process go smoother. After all, some of the best records have come from collaborations.

Story Structure

Like every piece of writing, a song needs structure. From the notes on the page to the lyrics you’re writing, the story of the song needs to be considered. Is the song meant to evoke happiness or sadness? Rage or peace? Think about the overarching narrative and how you want listeners to react to the story you’re telling. All of these factors should inform the way you craft each song.

Don’t Quit!

Perhaps the most important skill, when it comes to songwriting, is perseverance. It’s easy to give up! From writer’s block to rejection letters, developing original content can be a tough road. But if you stick with it, your talent will surely shine. Keep following your dreams and putting in the work, and you never know where you could end up.

Despite what you might see in the movies, success rarely comes overnight. It takes hard work, determination, and creativity. If you work on developing these skills, your career can only benefit. Trust us, we know it’s hard to make it in the music business! But these skills can help you get there.

Author bio:

Megan Haffron

Megan Haffron is a classically trained musician, freelance writer, and content strategist, with a focus on branding and content development. She has a passion for anime, pop culture, video games, and staying on top of the latest news in the entertainment industry.